Very Nice 1b, 1st floor, close to S&S, Pharmacies, bank. C T
ID: #1675357
Contract Type: FOR RENT
State: Rhode Island
Last Update Date: 2022-11-25
Lovely 1st floor, one bedroom. 50 Maynard Street. (credit check required)
New carpeting going in, and cleaned before move in day.
Walk to the Train to Boston or Providence, less than 10 minutes. Newly painted thru out, lots of parking, walk to Stop + Shop, also has a bank.
Plenty of stores to shop in. 3 Pharmacies near our complex, several gas stations. Pizza parlors, walk to. Pleasant St in Attleboro center has a lot to offer.
Sturdy hospital, less than 5 minutes away.
Go to Capron Park 5 minutes away. they have a lot going on in the Park.
Walk to the stores downtown.
Equal Opportunity Housing CREDIT CHECK REQUIRED