Massachusetts - PETS


ID: #1640440
Contract Type: FOR RENT
Last Update Date: 2022-10-24

I just can't understand why so many people are pet-haters. I have been a 'landlord' to many people over the years and never encountered a problem with tenants having pets. People love their animals and it's only natural. Dogs have been loyal our companions for thousands of years. Yet, these 'no pet' people think of their little houses as if they are the Palaces of Royalty. (where dogs are always bred and welcomed) Smarten up you haters. Your creepy houses are not timeless and you are not timeless either. Houses are meant to be lived in, not preserved like grand-ma's pickled beets.
Haters don't bother to dis me. I have been the owner/landlord many,times. Your hateful comments will just make me stronger. Another old hippie heard from.