Louisiana - Live the FREETOWN LIFE_STYLE......in the DDA

Live the FREETOWN LIFE_STYLE......in the DDA

ID: #1703582
Contract Type: FOR RENT
State: Louisiana
Last Update Date: 2023-01-04

ALL utilities PAID water / gas / elect / trash / fiber ya like the blue tub yu ganna like the avocado kitchen sinkgranny would like it
possible ULL discount
walk to work downtown and/ or like many to ULL
Hard wood floors….private back yardincredible out-door spacefresh paint inside
1600 for 2 people … $1600 deposit / year lease min.
950 for 1 person 950 deposit
NO pets quiet mature preferred
to pre-screen for a showing please Call337land237line /4782 leave msg / text unavailable e=mail discouraged ,thinkREAL(estate) thanks for a call back , your " area code " is a must ! thanks again