#$635.00 is needed prior to move-in. .---Newport---in Monroe/
ID: #1703630
Contract Type: FOR RENT
State: Louisiana
Last Update Date: 2023-01-04
We currently have single rooms (1st and 2nd floor) available for rent in the Lansing burgh section of Monroe. Occupants will share the Kitchen, Bathroom, and Common areas. Each room is furnished with the basics (bed, dresser, chair) and has a spacious closet in each room. All utilities are included. There is an application process that will be explained for serious inquiries. ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKING, DRUGS, PETS, or WATERBEDS. A washer & Dryer is available in each apartment for shared use. WiFi is available for $5 extra per month. 1 Months Rent and a Security Deposit of $635.00 is needed prior to move-in. Monroe/.