Iowa - Off Street Parking, Window Coverings, Elevator

Off Street Parking, Window Coverings, Elevator

ID: #1720207
Contract Type: FOR RENT
State: Iowa
Last Update Date: 2023-01-27

LeClaire Apartments is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The former LeClaire Hotel was built in 1922 and hosted many important guests including John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan until it was converted into an apartment community in 1993. You’ll find both comfort and convenience at LeClaire Apartments.,
-Cable Ready
-Controlled Access/Gated
-On-Site Management
-Package Receiving
-High-Speed Internet Ready
-Laundry Facilities
-Indoor Bike Storage Room
-Off Street Parking
-Window Coverings
-Public Transportation

421 19th Street, Moline, IL 61265
For more information, visit us at:
Equal Housing Opportunity. Specials are based on availability and may expire or change at any time. Specials and discounts may not be combined. Rates are subject to change without advance notice.