Hawaii - On-Site Management, On-Site Maintenance, Public Transportation

On-Site Management, On-Site Maintenance, Public Transportation

ID: #1634820
Contract Type: FOR RENT
State: Hawaii
Last Update Date: 2022-10-19

Situated on top of the hill in Makakilo Heights, we offer views and a peaceful and breezy location on the west side of beautiful Oahu. Amenities include on-site laundry facilities, BBQ areas and a gated play yard. There is a live-in Resident Manager and Maintenance staff. We are also conveniently located next to Mauka Lani Elementary School and a park. We are just up the hill from Kapolei Marketplace, and nearby Walmart, Target, Home Depot and Costco. We invite you to call us to come see what we have to offer at Cambridge Park and Cluster Park. Mahalo.1 Year Lease
$2023-Disposal-Laundry Facilities-Cable Ready-Hardwood Floors-On-Site Management-Refrigerator-Public Transportation-BBQ/Picnic Area-On-Site Maintenance
For more information, visit us at: https://cirrusmgmt.com/q7boiz3e/cambridge-park-and-cluster-park-apartments