$2000 month 3 bed 1 bath House in town
ID: #1631279
Contract Type: FOR RENT
State: Colorado
Last Update Date: 2022-10-16
Great neighborhood, great location, 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house. recently updated kitchen and bathroom. fenced backyard - most dogs considered. washer/dryer, 1 car garage, storage shed. really, everything you could want! Deposit is $2000, plus first months rent. Available starting November 1st. Looking for 1 yr lease minimum for responsible tenants that are considerate of neighbors.
If you're interested, please respond with the following info:
Names, employment info, family info, pet info on all people that would be living in the house/on the lease. Please provide 2 or 3 references (name, relationship, phone, email). And welcome to add anything else about yourselves you'd like to share.