California - 2 Bedroom 1 Bath

2 Bedroom 1 Bath

ID: #1630379
Contract Type: FOR RENT
State: California
Last Update Date: 2022-10-16

A unique housing situation:
3 bedroom, 1 bath, home close to downtown yuba city. I'm looking for a single person willing to keep 1 bedroom open for myself and/or my husband (gay couple) when we are in town (3 weekends a month in the summer and a couple of days a month during the cooler months). When I/we are in town our two shih tzu come along. They are very friendly.
I'm currently in the process fixing/updating the house and it should be ready in about a month.
If you are a single person that loves dogs this would be great fit!
You would have the house mostly to yourself and share only a fraction of the time.
Rent would be $700 plus all utilities.

At this stage I'm just seeing if anyone would be interested in this arrangement. Please email a response telling me a little about yourself.