Alabama - HONEY, I'M HOME!, 2 Bedroom/1.5 baths, CLEAN, SAFE

HONEY, I'M HOME!, 2 Bedroom/1.5 baths, CLEAN, SAFE

ID: #1697472
Contract Type: FOR RENT
State: Alabama
Last Update Date: 2022-12-26

1. TOWNHOUSE, BEHIND WHITE HOUSE AT 700 MARS HILL RD., FLORENCE, AL, BETWEEN HELTON DR. & RAILROAD TRACK, 2 BEDROOMS, 1.5 BATHS, CLEAN & SAFE! Great location because no thru traffic. Rental rule of thumb is that the rent amount be no more than 25% of take-home pay or 33% of gross income.
2. Move-in cost is $2195 includes Deposit $725, First Month $725, Final Month $725 and Key Fee $20. Rent is paid with cash, money order, or bank cashier’s check, at 126 E. Tennessee St., Florence, Alabama. Rent is due on or before the first day of month with no consideration for federal or state holiday, weekends and closed office. Late fee of $10 per day is charged after the first day of the month, and any late fee is paid when the rent is paid. (Example: If rent is paid on the 3rd day of the month, the late fee is $20.) A non-refundable pet fee of $1000 for each pet and written approval from landlord is required for a pet and the pet fee is to be paid before signing lease.
3. No charge rental application is available at office of Damon Smith, 126 E. Tennessee St., Florence (Monday – Friday 8 to 5 o’clock) or call Kay or texting what you want, your name and your email address for an application to be emailed to you. Please return completed application by mail or hand delivery to 126 E Tennessee St., Florence, AL 35630 or hand delivery to Kay or FAX or email with PDF attachment. No photographs of completed application will be accepted. Application is required for each occupant who is 18 years of age or more. Landlord requires proof of income, copy of driver’s license and copy of social security card before signing lease.
4. If tenant desires to vacate before the end of the 12-month lease term, tenant mails or hand delivers to landlord written full thirty (30) day notice, ending at the end of a month and deposit is forfeited and tenant is not charged rent for the remaining months of contract.
5. Not Section 8 approved. Must be able to get Florence Utilities. Comcast is available but not provided. Dish systems are NOT allowed. No assigned parking spaces. Pest control not provided. No outside cooking. Only operational vehicles are allowed.
6. Townhouse has porcelain tile floors and oak stairs, full bath with tub/shower upstairs, half bath downstairs, a walk-in closet, a 13-feet-long-closet, hallway linen closet, storage under stairwell, stainless appliances (glass top self-cleaning range, refrigerator, dishwasher and microwave) and a seven-foot-long bar with beautiful countertop, washer & dryer provided (not removed if you have your own), electric central heat and air, mini blinds, ceiling fans, curtain rods, LED lighting, fire extinguisher at each building, U. S Postal Service box.
7. I am an equal opportunity housing provider. I do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability.